Wednesday, 1 May 2013

For the Love of Ravelry!

Why is, every time I want to make something, I don't have the right things to make it with and so I have to buy more stuff?!

Take my modest stash above. I can't start a single project I've got lined up for the yarn because I don't have exactly the right needle or hook for the job. Nope, I'm not even going to to start all that 'doing it in a different yarn by checking your gauge and changing the needle size' because guess what I still won't have the sodding right size needles, will I, and I'll have to buy yet more??!! Also, I'm easily confused. No, I don't know why I chose such a confusing pastime either, except that it's meant to be a cheap hobby, as opposed to llama trekking in Peru or moonwalking on the actual moon.

Ok, I admit I do quite like the challenge of finding the right project and the right materials to make it. I also quite like completely losing my rag over it (catharsis again, people) and making high-pitched, enraged animal noises (sorry, neighbours). For this reason, I have come to love Ravelry. It confused the pants off me before  I realised it's potential.

For instance, their search function allows you to refine it to the point where you can find crocheted, child size, fingerless mitts, using aran yarn at a beginner level. That might give you a big fat clue as to what I'm planning to do with that alpaca yarn I got at Unravel and categorically did not make a Knitted Necklace with. I shall say no more on that project except:

What can I say? This blog is the place both to celebrate glorious successes and to get a bit Rumpelstiltskin when things don't go to plan.

Oh, and I'm not entirely sure I'm going to bother finding a crocheted hat pattern for Rob because I think I was doing single rib stitch correctly, I just lost faith in the whole 'bear with it because it will look an unholy mess for the first few rows' method.

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